The purpose of entering into a Mentor-Coach relationship is:
To cultivate respectful, genuine and purposeful relationships that support people who are actively seeking self- awareness and are open to making positive life changes.
In accepting a Mentor-Coach I understand my rights include:
To be listened to thoughtfully and compassionately, without judgment.
To be treated with honesty and integrity by my Mentor-Coach and CDAIDE.
To expect what I share to be held in confidence, having only the details necessary to secure outside support shared with CDAIDE. (If a situation arises that my mentor-coach feels could result in harm to myself or someone else, I understand that any health and safety concern overrides the agreement to confidentiality.)
To expect appropriate boundaries by my mentor-coach not limited to, but which includes, meeting in a public place that is mutually agreed upon.
To help determine the frequency of meetings.
To decide to discontinue meeting with my Mentor-Coach.
In accepting a Mentor-Coach, I understand my responsibilities include:
Honoring our meeting time and giving notice if I need to reschedule.
Working towards building an authentic relationship founded on trust and respect.
To honestly assess my life situation, with my Mentor-Coach’s support, reflecting on my vocational and personal goals (e.g. decision-making skills, communication skills, money management, etc. . . .) and to take the lead in creating a plan for achieving my goals.
To inform my Mentor-Coach through direct communication if I decide to discontinue our meetings.