CDAIDE’s crisis-response focus is on basic needs, including food security and housing stability. We work through a referral process to ensure care recipients are employed or recently employed in the restaurant or hospitality industry. At this time we are able to help folks who live in Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls or Hayden, ID.
To receive support, you must be referred by another person (called a ‘sponsor’) who is aware of your need, preferably a supervisor or coworker. We will contact the sponsor first, to determine the need and verify the details. This process ensures that resources go only to those who work in the restaurant and hospitality sector (or have worked in the past three months and are actively seeking re-employment in these fields), and encourage care and community within the industry. We know that hard working folks often will not reach out for help themselves, even when they have significant needs.
If you need help, please ask a manager, owner, co-worker, or agency to refer you for assistance. We've also compiled a list of resources below.
We are working with a large volume of requests and will call you as soon as we possibly can to see how we can best meet your needs.

“I’m a restaurant worker who usually has many jobs and plenty of income. At this time I have nothing. [With the help from CDAIDE] I was able to pay my rent with my savings and not have to worry about food. It was a huge help and, honestly, made all the difference in the world.” 4/13
“I heard of CDAIDE from my place of work. I remember my boss donating some gift cards to help them raise money [for the Care Affair]. I did not realize at the time that I would be needing some aide myself down the road when COVID struck our community. I still have some struggles, but the volunteer was very kind and reassured me that I was thought of and taken care of. I deeply appreciate the efforts of CDAide. Thank you very much.” 4/6
“I’m so thankful to CDAIDE. I was so stressed. Just a little help encouraged me! The grocery card was just what I needed for my family.” 4/3

General Information about the COVID-19 Virus
COVID Testing: Think you may have the virus, or have been exposed? If you have a primary care physician and/or insurance, please contact that office. If you do not have those resources, call the Panhandle Health District: 800-878-2364
If you want a vaccine or booster go to this PHD webpage.
General Assistance
Love, Inc. in CDA - faith-based ministry that can help with moving as well as preparing for new job among other services (208-930-4281
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare - food, cash, child care, health/behavioral health (Idaho COVID-19 Hotline for immediate assistance: 888-330-3010)
Panhandle Health Resource Directory - A comprehensive guide to services in PHD Region 1
Findhelp.org - area-specific resources for financial, food pantries, housing, health care and other free or reduced cost help.
Child Support 800-356-9868, Birth, Death,
Marriage, Divorce Certificates 208-334-5980, 2-1-1 Idaho Careline 800-926-
2588, Food stamps, Medicaid, ICCP, 877-456-1233
Kroc Center Hotline - Showers (1st free, additional $3ea) Membership scholarships available. Contact Leslie Johnson: 208-667-1865
Restaurant Workers Community Foundation (national organization)
Assistance for bartenders who have lost their jobs, as well as a child or spouse
Celebrity Chef Guy Fieri has partnered up with the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation to launch the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund.
2nd Chance Ministries Family Resource Center 208-557-3829
North Idaho Connections - deals with financial assistance, food pantry, government food benefits, unemployment benefits, etc.
HomeShare Kootenai County - HomeSharing connects homeowners with a spare bedroom to rent and homeseekers in need of affordable housing.
Food Savings
Imperfect Foods​ - Home delivery with 30% savings using "imperfect" food rejected by grocery chains
Quick Guide to help you get started
Claimant FAQ's about Unemployment Insurance and COVID-19​
Temporary Hiring Agencies
- People Ready 208-765-7778 Wages paid daily. Located on Appleway & Hwy95
Quest Direct 208-667-9590
- Humanix 208-664-8958
If you need food assistance immediately, and are eligible, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare can provide benefits within seven days. You must meet certain criteria in order to qualify for the expedited services.​ You can call directly to Christina Santiago at Heritage Health, 208-292-0280
Free and reduced lunches in Kootenai County Schools
CDA School District #271 is providing free lunch meals for children ages 1-18 from June 21-August 13 (closed July 2-7). Open 11am-1pm at Borah Elementary, Lakes Middle School, and Skyway Elementary schools. EVERY STUDENT FREE THIS YEAR.
All children in the Post Falls School District #273 will receive meals at no charge due to an extension of USDA funding.
Lakeland School District #272 will have free grab and go pickup meals for remote learning days. More info.
Idaho Grocery Tax Credit - If you’re an Idaho resident under 65 and don’t make enough money to file an income tax return, you are entitled to a grocery tax credit refund of $100
Free Citylink bus service in Kootenai County (Routes A, B, and C)​
Addiction Recovery
northidahoaa.org - This site will lead you through all the available AA meetings
Good Samaritan Rehabilitation - Faith-based program (no medical component) (877) 382-0133
UGM - Union Gospel Mission Center for Women and Children (208) 665-4673
Health Care
Heritage Health offers all services, including medical, dental, and behavioral health, regardless of income and insurance status. (208) 620-5250
Smoking Cessation 3-call program. Call Linda: 208 415-5143 (A free program of Panhandle Health District)
Non-Medical Assistance from Kootenai County​
​Residents of Kootenai County may apply for "Temporary" non-medical assistance from the county.
The county will consider such applications only when no other alternative is available to the applicant.
The county may offer assistance with payment for the following services: cremation/burial, rent, utilities, generic prescriptions​
Rent assistance
See Kootenai County Non-Medical Assistance​
If you have children in your family, you can call 800-926-2588 (Idaho Care Line) or text your zip code to 898211 to be referred to the Idaho Navigation program for rent or mortgage assistance. They will response within 2 business days when you leave a message. Business hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday. Dial 2-1-1
Idaho Housing and Finance Association - If you or your renter is unable to pay rent or utilities because of the COVID-19 pandemic or the related economic crisis, short-term emergency assistance may be available.
Home Share Kootenai County- offers rooms for rent. Availabilities include short term rentals.
Homeless or in danger of losing housing​​
St. Vincent de Paul - Call or stop by the Help Center, 201 E. Harrison, Coeur d’Alene,
208-664-3095, Ext. 307 (Rebecca Stinson) for assistance in finding housing. -
In danger of eviction? The American Rescue Plan has assistance. COVID related federal scholarships for membership, emergency assistance.
Kroc Center has public showers. The first is free; after that $3/shower. Check in at front desk with ID.​
Habitat for Humanity of North Idaho has a home ownership program serving families in Koontenai County.
​Utility assistance
See Kootenai County Non-Medical Assistance​
St. Pius Assistance Programs​ (208) 765-5108 -Food Pantry and outreach for emergence and rent assistance.
Community Action Partnership - food and energy assistance, weatherization and family budgeting (208) 664-8757
Free Firewood - email firewoodrescue2020@gmail.com with name, address, and phone
Support for School Children
District #271 has chrome books for every child and internet access options.
Childcare scholarships available through United Way. Questions? Contact keri@uwnorthidaho.org. (208) 667-8112 x108
Phone Lines with Info​
The Kroc Center has an Emergency Services phone line that will be staffed during business hours: 208.763.0679
Dial 2-1-1, the Idaho Care Line, to find out about resources available to you or visit their website
Pet Assistance
Pet Food - The Pandemic Pet Feed North Idaho Project is handing out free pet food at these locations:
Pepe Caldo Pizzaria - 1116 W. Ironwood Dr. CDA
Pet Stop - 10464 N Government Way, Hayden (208) 762-4474
Tails Foundation - Help with pets during emergency financial or medical situation
Stress/Mental Health Hotlines:​​
Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline: 208-398-4357; National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Mental Wellness Clinic of CDA: Counseling, medication management, case management, and peer support. 1105 W Ironwood Dr, 208-676-1003 M-F 9am - 5pm
Safe Passage: 24-hour crisis intervention for adults and children affected by domestic or sexual violence. (208) 664-9303 or text (208) 449-7228 Email: safety@safepassageid.org
Children's Mental Health and Student Support Hotline: (208) 769-1406 (8-5, M-F)
Prayer Requests
You can submit a prayer request online at First Presbyterian Church/Downtown
The Kroc Center will pray for you and your family


You can help CDAIDE to meet these needs by donating to support housing stability and food security for restaurant and hospitality workers in greater Coeur d’Alene. Those in need are referred by managers or co-workers and fully vetted. 100% of funds raised go directly to support emergency needs for workers right in our community and are fully tax-deductible.
CDAIDE has received extra funds during this crisis and we are extremely grateful for the generosity of these foundations and organizations and their commitment to serving restaurant and hospitality workers in our community.